Nursery Offerings
at Moonfire and Sun
At Moonfire we aim to provide you with the best plants in Bend. Browse our offerings of annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs, edibles and houseplants below.
NOTE: The nursery industry is always changing so these lists are not comprehensive nor necessarily reflect what we have in inventory at any given time. Please visit the garden center or call for current availability.
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- Alyssum
- Begonia
- Bacopa
- Bidens
- Calabrachoa
- Celosia
- Coleus
- Cordyline
- Cylamen
- Cosmos
- Dahlia
- Dusty Miller
- Fuschia
- Gazinia
- Geranium
- Impatiens
- Ipomoea
- Lantana
- Lemon Verbena
- Lobelia
- Marigold
- Nasturtium
- Osteospermum
- Petunia
- Pansy/Viola
- Passion Flower vine
- Ranunculus
- Sunflowers
- Snapdragon
- Thumbergia
- Verbena
- Zinnia
- Achillea
- Agastache
- Ajuga
- Allium
- Anemone
- Artemesia
- Asiatic Lily
- Astilbe
- Aubretia
- Balloon Flower
- Baptisia
- Basket of Gold
- Bergenia
- Bishops Weed
- Bleeding Heart
- Blue Eyed Grass
- Blue Oat Grass
- Blue Star Creeper
- Brunnera
- Buckwheat
- Buttercup
- Campanula
- Candytuft
- Catmint
- Cimifuga
- Columbine
- Coneflower
- Coral Bells
- Coreopsis
- Corkscrew Rush
- Creeping Jenny
- Daylily
- Delphinium
- Dianthus
- Echinops
- Epimedium
- Eryngium
- Epitorium
- Euphorbia
- Evening Primrose
- Fern
- Fleabane
- Forget Me Not
- Foxglove
- Gaillardia
- Guara
- Gentiana
- Geranium
- Germander
- Geum
- Goat’s Beard
- Helenium
- Heliopsis
- Hellebore
- Heuchera
- Hollyhock
- Hosta
- Hot poker
- Iberis
- Ice Plant
- Iris
- Jacob’s Ladder
- Lamb’s Ear
- Lamium
- Lavender
- Leucanthemum
- Lewisia
- Liatris
- Ligularia
- Liriope
- Lithodora
- Lungwort
- Lupine
- Lysimachia
- Maltese Cross
- Meadow Rue
- Monarda
- Monks Hood
- Moss
- Mukdenia
- Oenothera
- Opuntia
- Pachysandra
- Pasque Flower
- Phlox
- Plumbago
- Poppy
- Polemonium
- Pulmonaria
- Red Valerian
- Rudbeckia
- Russian Sage
- Salvia
- Saxifraga
- Scabiosa
- Sea Thrift
- Sedge
- Sedum
- Sempervivum
- Snow in Summer
- Soapwort
- Solidago
- Solomon’s Seal
- Spiderwort
- Spigelia
- Spurge
- St. John’s Wort
- Stokesia
- Sunrose
- Thyme
- Tiarella
- Veronica
- Vinca
- Amarylis
- Paperwhites
- Tulips
- Garlic
- Crocus
- Hyacinth
- Narcissus
- Gladiolus
- Iris
- Ranunculus
- Allium
- Lily
- Crocosmia
- Potatoes
- Onions
- Dahlia
- Achillea
- Agastache
- Ajuga
- Allium
- Anemone
- Artemesia
- Asiatic Lily
- Aster
- Astilbe
- Aubretia
- Balloon Flower
- Baptisia
- Basket of Gold
- Bergenia
- Bishops Weed
- Bleeding Heart
- Blue Eyed Grass
- Blue Oat Grass
- Blue Star Creeper
- Brunnera
- Buckwheat
- Buttercup
- Campanula
- Candytuft
- Catmint
- Cimifuga
- Columbine
- Coneflower
- Coral Bells
- Coreopsis
- Corkscrew Rush
- Creeping Jenny
- Crocosmia
- Daylily
- Delphinium
- Dianthus
- Echinops
- Epimedium
- Eryngium
- Epitorium
- Euphorbia
- Evening Primrose
- Fern
- Fleabane
- Forget Me Not
- Foxglove
- Gaillardia
- Guara
- Gentiana
- Geranium
- Germander
- Geum
- Goat’s Beard
- Helenium
- Heliopsis
- Hellebore
- Heuchera
- Hollyhock
- Hosta
- Hot poker
- Iberis
- Ice Plant
- Iris
- Jacob’s Ladder
- Lamb’s Ear
- Lamium
- Lavender
- Leucanthemum
- Lewisia
- Liatris
- Ligularia
- Liriope
- Lithodora
- Lungwort
- Lupine
- Lysimachia
- Maltese Cross
- Meadow Rue
- Milkweed
- Monarda
- Monks Hood
- Moss
- Mukdenia
- Oenothera
- Opuntia
- Pachysandra
- Pasque Flower
- Penstemon
- Peony
- Phlox
- Plumbago
- Poppy
- Polemonium
- Pulmonaria
- Red Valerian
- Rudbeckia
- Russian Sage
- Salvia
- Saxifraga
- Scabiosa
- Sea Thrift
- Sedge
- Sedum
- Sempervivum
- Snow in Summer
- Soapwort
- Solidago
- Solomon’s Seal
- Spiderwort
- Spigelia
- Spurge
- St. John’s Wort
- Stokesia
- Sunrose
- Thyme
- Tiarella
- Veronica
- Vinca
- Blood Grass
- Bluebunch
- Bluestem
- Blue Oat Grass
- Carex
- Feather Reed Grass
- Fescue
- Fountain Grass
- Grama Grass
- Hakone
- Miscanthus
- Moor Grass
- Muhly
- Mexican Feather Grass
- Panicum
- Pennisetum
- Switchgrass
- Schizachyrium
- Tufted Hair Grass
- Blanket Flower
- Blue Flax
- Buckwheat
- Buffaloberry
- Bitterbrush
- Coyote Willow
- Colombine
- Checkermallow
- Desert Sweet
- Fireweed
- Fleabane
- Globemallow
- Goldenrod
- Indian Rice Grass
- Kinnikinnick
- Lupine
- Manzanita
- Mountain Mahogany
- Ocean Spray
- Oregon Grape
- Oregon Sunshine
- Penstemon
- Rudbeckia
- Rabbitbrush
- Sagebrush
- Western Yarrow
- Wild Rye
- Ash
- Aspen
- Beech
- Birch
- Black Locust
- Cedar
- Cherry
- Chokecherry
- Crabapple
- Cypress
- Fir
- Golden Rain Tree
- Hawthorne
- Hemlock
- Honey Locust
- Lilac
- Juniper
- Larch
- Maple
- Japanese Maple
- Oak
- Pear
- Pine
- Plum
- Redbud
- Russian Olive
- Serviceberry
- Spruce
- Subalpine Fir
- Tulip Tree
- Vine Maple
- Weeping Flowering Cherry
- Willow
- Ash Leaf Spirea
- Azalea
- Barberry
- Bitterbrush
- Boxwood
- Broom
- Buckthorn
- Buddleja
- Butterfly Bush
- Burning Bush
- Caryopteris
- Cotoneaster
- Coralberry
- Dogwood
- Daphne
- Forsythia
- Fothergilla
- Flowering Almond
- Globosa Spruce
- Heather
- Hibiscus
- Holly
- Hydrangea
- Ilex
- Juniper
- Leadplant
- Lilac
- Mockorange
- Magnolia
- Mugo Pine
- Ninebark
- Physocarpus
- Potentilla
- Privet
- Quince
- Spirea
- Rhododendron
- Ribes Sanguineum
- Rose
- Russian Sage
- Sagebrush
- Sandcherry
- Smoketree
- Snowberry
- Spirea
- Sumac
- Summersweet
- Syringa
- Viburnum
- Weigela
- Willow
- Yew
- Akebia
- Clematis
- Hops
- Honeysuckle
- Hydrangea
- Ivy
- Silver Lace Vine
- Trumpet Vine
- Virginia Creeper
- Wisteria
- Apple Tree
- Asparagus
- Basil
- Blackberry
- Blueberry
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Cherry Trees
- Chives
- Currants
- Dill
- Elderberry
- Fennel
- Grapes
- Jostaberry
- Kale
- Lettuce
- Lemon Tree
- Mint
- Microgreens
- Oregano
- Peppers
- Pear Tree
- Plum Tree
- Pineapples
- Potatoes
- Rosemary
- Rhubarb
- Raspberry
- Strawberries
- Spinach
- Tomatoes
- Zucchini
- Adenium
- Aeonium
- Aglaonema
- Air Plant
- Alocasia
- Aloe Vera
- Anthurium
- Aralia
- African Violet
- Arrowhead Plant
- Bamboo
- Banana Plant
- Beaucarnea Ponytail
- Stump
- Begonia
- Bird of Paradise
- Burro Tail
- Cactus
- Caladium
- Calathea
- Callisia
- Candycorn/ Goldfish Plant
- Carnivorious Plants
- Chinese Money Plant
- Christmas Cactus
- Clusia
- Coffee Plant
- Cordatum
- Cotyledon, Bear paw
- Crassula
- Croton
- Dieffenbachia
- Dracaena
- Euphorbia
- Fatsia Japonica
- Ferns
- Ficus
- Fittonia
- Ginseng
- Haworthia
- Hoya
- Hypoestes
- Ivy
- Jade
- Jasmine
- Kalanchoe
- Lipstick plant
- Lithops
- Monstera
- Mother of Thousands
- Nepenthes
- Norfolk Pine
- Pachira Braid Money Tree
- Palms
- Peace Lily
- Peperomias
- Philodendrons
- Podocarpus
- Poinsettias (Seasonal)
- Portulacaria
- Pothos
- Prayer Plant
- Sansevieria
- Schefflera
- Selaginella
- Spider Plant
- Strawberry Begonia
- String of Bananas
- String of Dolphins
- String of Fish Hooks
- String of Hearts
- String of Pearls
- String of Turtles
- Succulents
- Sugarvine
- Sundew
- Tradescantia
- ZZ Plant