

When daffodils begin to emerge from their winter slumber, our noses become poised for the smell of sweet sweet Syringa, or as most of us know it, lilac. We know it won’t be long until we can enjoy their glorious flower clusters, packed with the intoxicating perfume of spring.

Amidst our eager digging in the garden, prepping it for the inevitable and much anticipated sign of plant life, many are finding themselves peering up at their lilac asking, “To cut? Or not to cut?.” The answer is, not to cut! The key to pruning Lilacs is timing. You want to prune them just after their bloom, but be cautious not to wait too long or you risk removing the buds of next year’s bloom. The most brilliant performance a lilac can put on will always be off of its newest growth. This means, when thinning, to take the oldest stalks down to the ground first, promoting new canes to emerge. If your bush needs a complete revamp, do this every year for 3-4 seasons, never taking more than ⅓ of the plant’s mass. OSU-Extension describes old canes to, “have scaly, cracked bark and dry, brittle wood.” They also say that if your Lilac is a grafted variety to not prune below the graft union. 


The most widely known lilac is the common lilac, Syringa vulgaris. Characterized by its delightfully irregular outline and prolonged blooming beginning in late spring, this deciduous shrub is quite versatile. If the right environment is cultivated, it is possible to nurture your lilac into displaying its fragrant flowers for up to six weeks! Most lilacs will reach between 8-15 feet tall, providing excellent screening from the curious eyes of pesky neighbors. Nutrient-rich soil, ample drainage and abundant sunlight are imperative for a happy and robust shrub. Planting in the fall will ensure the long winter lilac buds need to mature to ensure hearty blooms in the spring. Generally hardy to zones 3-7, common lilacs are a more than adequate fit for our zone 5 climate here in Bend.

 For lilac lovers who aren’t keen on bigger shrubs, the Korean Lilac (Syringa mereyi) is a dwarf variety that makes a lovely addition to small gardens. They reach a maximum height of 4-5 feet and width of 5-7 feet, which also makes for a charming container plant. Dense and compact deep green foliage culminates into panicles of tiny trumpeting flowers that are sure to surpass your expectations. 

Attracting humans and pollinators alike, lilacs are an outstanding addition to a garden– brimming with blooms, chock-full of color, and bursting at the seams with one of the plant world’s sweetest scents! With thoughtful planting, you will be able to enjoy all the majesty lilacs have to offer for years to come.

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